Through desire and fortune, I, alongside my wife, Angela, have traveled to numerous countries, in part with the intention of instilling inspiration. This exhibit summarizes (at least a part of) that vision. In fact it is its central theme. Stories emanate out of each of the sovereign places I’ve been to, sometimes in beauty, sometimes in violence; more, stories that can be ancient or modern, mythic or fraught with today’s realism. What matters is that these stories weave together a unifying vision – in short, multiple ways of being human. For my personal understanding as the artist, and for the viewers as well, this exhibit aspires to demonstrate our commonality. Nations as different as Vietnam, India, and Italy, Mexico, Israel, and Malta, Greece, Peru, and Jordan, Egypt, Honduras, and Cambodia, show different ways of celebrating, and revealing who we are. In the end, such celebrations, as well as the incumbent (and unavoidable) tragedies center around my own nation, America, attacked over twenty years ago for its endemic diversity: as is embodied in the thematic work, OUR SHATTERED WORLD MUST FLY ITS FLAG. Three figures, a turbaned man, a native-American, and Lady Liberty herself, hoist a world flag atop the debris of the World Trade Towers– emblematic for which our nation, in its faulty flight, stands. And for which this exhibit embraces.
A view of the Room, the Layout, and the Artist
The individual pieces are shown below in more detail.